Monday, 21 July 2014

The wedding

Well that goes down as one of the most bizarre places to play. I think they liked it......
The children's home kids did some dances and songs. Actually I think everyone had a turn in the spot light, dancing or singing! It started about 2 hours later than we thought-which was fine as there was loads to do, then the line up, one by one- literally dancing into position, then more dances and cake ceremony and saying hello and having a photo with every single person individually and more speeches and more saying hello to everyone and then 2 English people playing a couple of tunes (that's us!) Quite an experience. 
Finally we ate. Herbie and Maimi were so hungry by then they wolfed down the goat and rice.
It was a great evening that we'll never forget.
And it was Chris's birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris, Happy BIRTHDAY!!!! Great way to spend it ...
Sherine Xxx